The last few days seem to be a blur. The days leading up to the egg retrieval, I was so wrapped up in thinking about the egg retrieval day, I couldn't do much but try to relax. Try to relax because I was so bloated I could barely move, could barely sit, stand or lay down. Today is the day after the retrieval and yesterday went well. I was unusually calm all the way to the doctors and then once we entered the staging room, I began to get very nervous. What looked like I was cold was just me shaking from the nerves. One by one, three other women get their IV's put in and then are ushered beyond a door to the procedure room. It was my turn and after kissing Matt, I too was ushered into that room. Before even resting my head comfortably, I was in la la land and waking up in the staging room I had just left from. When the nurse said that the IV was going to be worse part, she was right. After a few minutes of trying to wake up and seeing Matt coming back to my bedside to rub my head and give me some ginger ale, we were soon on our way home. Shortly after returning home, I went to bed and slept for 2 hours. I was groggy and tired when I woke and per doctors orders began drinking Gatorade and water.
I thought retrieval day would be the most difficult part of this process, past the shots of course (really, who likes needles?). All I can do is hope and pray things are going well, that egg meets sperm, egg likes sperm and they decide to live happily ever after. This part is out of my hands.
I thought retrieval day would be the most difficult part of this process, past the shots of course (really, who likes needles?). All I can do is hope and pray things are going well, that egg meets sperm, egg likes sperm and they decide to live happily ever after. This part is out of my hands.
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