Baby or Bust
It has been forever since my last post, I've had such a busy August and it seems to have flown by. I had my vacation the second week of August which was amazing, filled with the beach, sunshine and time with my niece. I returned to work, realizing that it's tough to be out for a week and get back into the swing of things. I was dreading the week and remember doing everything in my power to procrastinate. 

Then I had another week's vacation last week, I know super spoiled. Matt and I took a trip down the Saco river with another couple and camped for two nights. I don't think I have been that relaxed and mindless for over two years. Before leaving, its funny because our friends saw me packing something in a personal cooler and asked what it was. Spilling the beans - I told them we were doing IVF and it was just as awkward as I thought it was going to be and nothing about it was really talked about after that moment. I think women in general tend to over share, but I wasn't about to not tell the truth around why I have a vial in a personal cooler and why I'm going to need ice throughout the whole entire trip.

On our way up to Maine, I found out that I wasn't going to have to start my Lupron while on the trip and that I needed to return for more blood tests the day we were returning home. Once I knew that, I think I let everything go. I stayed totally present and in the moment with my hubby and our friends (whom, btw, have a 3 year old).  I was able to let loose and be worry free and was so excited and happy to be on our little getaway. The day we returned from Maine, I flew out to DC to take care of my niece for the week before her school started. It was such a great week we had so much fun and everyday was filled with something new. It was so nice to have some one-on-one time with her, as all day it was just me and her and the ability to do whatever we pleased.  I was able to leave DC before the hurricane hit, even switching my flight to early in the morning to ensure I going to be able to make it home.

While in DC, I got the call that I needed to start my Lupron. For some reason, it's so much easier this time. I'm not sure if it's because the dose is different or if it's because the syringes are different, but I was able to handle these shots like a professional.  It was all me this time, I was the one having to prepare and give them to myself and while I thought I was going to have more anxiety around the process, I think that I was so preoccupied with my niece, my sister and her husband, that I just wanted to get it done and move on.  It really hasn't hit me yet that we've started the 2nd cycle, it sounds funny even typing that. I just feel like I'm not mentally there yet and it's scaring me.  I'm hoping I will wrap my head around this soon, but wonder if it's just better to coast through and go through the motions. It's hard to know what's the right/best way to be. I guess we never do know, do we.

How could you not be relaxed here!?
Baby or Bust
I'm back from vacation and back to work, blah. I spent some much needed time with my 9 year old niece and it was just so refreshing to be with her. It seems like yesterday she was a little 2 year old and now she's wearing the same size shoe as me, how the heck did that happen. Being with her really makes me want to be a mom, one day I hope.

Since being back, I haven't been on the blogs much. Every day seems to be different and sometimes I feel great and I'm grateful to have this down time and other days I just feel like the life is sucked out of me. There is the looming feeling of knowing that in a week I'll be back to shots, back to being on a schedule and needing to know what time it is and back to the doctor's appointments and blood tests. I want to be wrapped up and living in the now, but knowing that this is around the corner is starting to get to me.  While I can, I should be fancy free, cracking a beer open and going crazy, but my heart isn't into that and I'm trying desperately to stay positive about doing another IVF cycle.

I think now is the time to go savor these moments before things start to get interesting on Friday. Here's to staying positive, staying grounded and being thankful for today.
Baby or Bust
It's the fourth day of my vacation and I'm feeling great. It's funny how a little downtime can get your mind and body back in working order. I wish I had the desire to exercise and maybe go for a run, but so far I haven't had the urge. The lack of exercise will get to me later this week for sure. It's a gorgeous beach day today and all I can think about is laying in the sun and soaking it up.

Last Friday we received our new IVF cycle #2 schedule. This waiting period before we begin is great and I'm grateful to have it, but at the same time the anticipation is killing me. I wonder how this cycle will be different, how things will go and what the outcome will be. It's a little hard not to think about it, even while being on vacation.

When I start the shots, that week I'm traveling via airplane to another state. Anyone have experience with this? I have a doctors note saying I can travel with syringes, but I'm a super nervous flyer to begin with and having to deal with meds, that need to stay cold, while trying to get through security is making me a little anxious. I really shouldn't be stressing about this now, I know. This is just so me, worry worry and worry some more, way before I need to.

Anyway, I was feeling a little blog withdrawal and now its back to my book, the sun and some more relaxing.
Baby or Bust
I really value and appreciate all women that speak about infertility. You sometimes feel like you can't tell anyone what is going on or maybe no one outside your immediate family and I find that upsetting. Don't get me wrong, I'm not at work telling people about what all my doctor's appointments are and I'm not telling all of my friends, it's just a difficult thing to bring up. Yet I still find it upsetting that women and men can't be more open about it.  Look at all the people in the waiting room of your doctor's office and look at all the women lined up on gurneys for egg retrieval, more and more people are having trouble conceiving.  So why do I always feel like I have to keep it in?

I'm going to go Hollywood here for a minute, but I love how Giuliana Rancic has come out and shared (really shared) her and her husbands difficulties getting pregnant.  She talks so openly about her situation and I'm so thankful for that.  I definitely watch their show on Style and will admit that I watch because they are going through what I'm going through. I find peace in knowing that I'm not the only one (I can sometimes feel like that) and I really treasure what they have to say.  It's nice to see them use the platform they have and do that to help others.

The past couple of days I've been taking it easy and enjoying every minute with Matt, I've been in this kind of worry free stage.  On Friday we have another doctor's appointment to go over instructions for cycle #2. I'm trying to stay positive here and I'm really ready to try again, mentally and definitely physically. I'm back in the gym and back to being social and I'm so grateful for that. Oh and my arms are finally not black, blue and yellow anymore - I think that's a good sign - must mean my veins are also ready for cycle #2.