Baby or Bust
I'm back from vacation and back to work, blah. I spent some much needed time with my 9 year old niece and it was just so refreshing to be with her. It seems like yesterday she was a little 2 year old and now she's wearing the same size shoe as me, how the heck did that happen. Being with her really makes me want to be a mom, one day I hope.

Since being back, I haven't been on the blogs much. Every day seems to be different and sometimes I feel great and I'm grateful to have this down time and other days I just feel like the life is sucked out of me. There is the looming feeling of knowing that in a week I'll be back to shots, back to being on a schedule and needing to know what time it is and back to the doctor's appointments and blood tests. I want to be wrapped up and living in the now, but knowing that this is around the corner is starting to get to me.  While I can, I should be fancy free, cracking a beer open and going crazy, but my heart isn't into that and I'm trying desperately to stay positive about doing another IVF cycle.

I think now is the time to go savor these moments before things start to get interesting on Friday. Here's to staying positive, staying grounded and being thankful for today.
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